School Board

School Board

Upton Lake Christian School is governed by a board of directors representing and elected by the Evangelical Free Church of Clinton Corners.  Board members are trustees of the beliefs and mission of Christian education, responsible for nurturing the vision and setting the direction for Upton Lake Christian School.

Rich Evans

Rich Evans is Chairman of the Upton Lake Christian School Board, member of the Evangelical Free Church of  Clinton Corners, and owner of Casings Inc. and Rock Solid Provisions. Several of Rich's children graduated from Upton Lake and currently two of Rich's grandchildren attend.

“ My hope is to give our students the best education possible.  But, more than that, to raise up graduates who love the Lord wholeheartedly and live for Him with zeal and passion for the rest of their lives.”






Tonya McCaughey

Tonya is a member of Netherwood Baptist Church in Salt Point, where she lives and serves alongside her husband, in his role as Pastor. She has three children and two grandchildren and her daughter currently attends Upton Lake. She is Vice President, Area Retail Leader at Rhinebeck Bank, where she has worked for 23 years. 

“My hope, for the students of Upton Lake, is that our decisions as a board ensure that our students are led and nurtured by mature, discerning Christians, who are teachers of and watchmen for the truth of God’s Word.  In addition to a sound education, it is my hope that our students will have a foundation of sound doctrine, and graduate as mature and discerning Christians, enabling them to navigate this world as true believers, living lives in service to God.”












Paul Villanueva

Paul Villanueva is a member of The Evangelical Free Church of Clinton Corners, president of Intelligent IT Designs and proud parent of three children who attend the school.

“My hope for our students is that in addition to enjoying a quality education and being kept away from some of the dangers of our current environment, that they may also grow to know the Lord and that they may learn to live in a way that honors Him and that they may walk with Him all the days of their lives and that they may learn to count on Him for all things.”








Denielle Kukel

Denielle is a member of the Evangelical Free Church in Clinton Corners.  She lives in Red Hook with her husband and two daughters who currently attend ULCS.  She is a Physician Assistant of 18 years and currently working in an Emergency Room in Poughkeepsie.  With her doctorate in healthcare administration she also works in administration to assist with improving patient outcomes.

“My hope, for students who attend Upton Lake Christian School, is that they are led to the Lord and establish a firm foundation in Christ while obtaining a quality education in a loving and supporting Godly environment by Christians that are well into their walk.  In addition, my hopes are that the teachers continue to inspire curiosity and engagement while preparing students academically and spiritually to serve Jesus Christ so they can impact the world through character and leadership.”